Tag Archive for: productivity tips

Productivity Tips You Learn on the Job

Productive ProfessionsI have often credited my job as a news producer for honing my time management skills. Working in television has not only taught me the value of a minute, but also how to stick to a strict deadline. That’s because the news happens with or without you and you better be ready as a producer.

But what about other professions? Here are some example of jobs and the productivity tips we can learn from them.

Firefighters – These guys and gals are known for being ready to go at a moment’s notice. All their equipment is laid out, the tanks are filled, the whole process is geared to take as little time as possible. Because a couple of minutes can make all the difference when it comes to a fire — preparation is key. While your day to day might not be as important it’s still a good idea to do as much as you can in advance.

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Get Your Sh*t Together

screenshotMy good friend Terri Trespicio recently wrote a post for me full of relationship advice for the New Year. She invited me to be on her show “Solopreneur,” which is all about sharing success strategies when you work for yourself.  We talked all about lists and my book Listful Thinking in this episode titled “Get Your Sh*t Together”! In the video we ride the bus, we clear clutter, we drink tea….it’s a good time. As you can see from the picture, this guy was very interested to hear more about my productivity tips! If you’re just as interested do check it out!

What Santa Can Teach Us About Productivity

SantaEvery year Santa delivers presents to all the boys and girls around the world. It’s fair to say he’s a pretty busy guy. In order to keep Christmas magical Santa has to keep his time management skills in check.  And if you’ve ever been delighted with the gift of your choice on Christmas morning…you know he’s good, real good at this!

Here are some ways you can be more like Santa and get more done: Read more

Smart Ways to Cut Back on Decision Making

businessI’m sure most of you have your go-to outfits for when you have an important presentation to give or a special dinner to attend.  But what about some other go-to must haves that will make your life easier and more efficient?

Go-to Meeting Spots

I was reading an article in Fast Company magazine where they had a productivity tip from Christina Wallace, the founding director of the American Museum of Natural History’s Bridge Up: STEM Initiative. She encourage readers to have a go-to list of meeting spots in the neighborhoods they frequent most. Read more

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with an App

carrot_1There are lots of great apps out there that help you check off your to-do list, log your food intake and make note of how much you exercise. These apps can be great if used properly, but sometimes we get a little complacent. we use them for a while and then get bored and move onto the next big thing.  Well now the apps are fighting back!

Here’s a list of apps that are designed to give you that extra push and really force you to achieve your goals: Read more