Tag Archive for: Saving time

Don’t Micromanage – Make This List to Work With Others

team-386673_640Remember in high school when you’d have to do a group project and get paired up with a bunch of other kids?

I was always the one who was trying organize things and make sure we hit our deadlines.  (Nerd Alert!)

But no matter the project — there was always that one kid who said she would be responsible for a crucial element…and then not deliver.  

Nothing would make me more annoyed, but I was always happy when the project was over and we didn’t have to work together again.

In the “real world” the same thing can happen.  But the downside is you can’t trade in your team members as often.  

You’re forced to work with the same team and figure out a way to make it work.

This is where lists can really come to the rescue.    Read more

A Personal Travel Guide Makes Your Trip Less Stressful

1dOsJawbWhen this post goes live, I’ll be in Puerto Rico catching some desperately needed sun and relaxation (and cocktails) before the holiday season.  It’s all part of my plan to recharge and renew.  My husband Jay and I have done a lot of travelling this year with trips to Mexico, San Francisco (we got a tour of Google!) and even Orlando. I’ve really enjoyed our vacations and I’m definitely planning to take more trips next year — hopefully overseas!

I take travel pretty seriously and always prepare well in advance.  And when I say prepare — I mean stalk TripAdvisor, blogs, Rick Steves guides and travel sites for weeks on end.  OH and I ask everyone who has ever been to that destination what they recommend.  

Now there’s another resource in my arsenal.  It’s called the Trip Scout app. They provide self-guided city tours. With local tour guides who explain about the local history, culture, and food as you go along.  My friend Konrad who blogs at World Venture Project created it.   Read more

Why Being Nosy Makes You Unproductive

cultura-organizationala-doru-dimaI’m a naturally curious person. You might call it nosy, but I don’t see it that way.

I’m just interested in what’s going on around me. It’s why I love people watching so much and it’s also probably the reason why I went into journalism.

The problem is sometimes this curiosity can be a hinderance. When you want to be in the know about everything… well it’s a lot of research. Sometimes I get so wrapped in things I don’t even care about, because I’m interested to see if it might lead somewhere good.

So I’m taking a stand and trying to cut these nosy time wasters out of my life.  Check out my list – maybe you are guilty of dilly dallying with these tasks too: Read more

Make Technology Work For You

mail-566337_640You may have seen my recent emails about email overwhelm and my course Take Back Your Inbox. I’m determined to help everyone reach inbox zero! Our email overwhelm is really just a symptom of our much bigger problem… technology.

There are so many apps out there designed to make your more productive, you could waste a whole week downloading all of them. Too much technology can be counterproductive. So how can you target the right apps for you? How do you figure out which emails count and which ones can go? You can use websites such as my digital mate to research and read more about the latest apps and phone developments to help make a more informed decision about what to download and what to pass on. I’ve also heard of some people deciding to better understand their smartphone technology by buying components from websites similar to Octopart.com and building electrical circuits in order to gain new skills and improve productivity because of a newfound understanding of how this amazing technology works. But I digress.

Tonight I’m doing a teleseminar with ADHD expert and author Terry Matlen where I will be discussing some easy ways to use technology to be more productive. We will talk through a significant number of apps and how to use them throughout your day for maximum efficiency.

What we will cover:

  • How to get out from the overwhelm of email
  • Ways to use technology to help you — apps that will make you more productive

If you’d be interested in joining us for the teleseminar click the link here. I’ll also be doing a Q&A at the end, so if there’s any burning questions you have, now’s your chance!

Don’t Be A Scrooge This Christmas With This Checklist

baby-21971_640 (1)I get that we are all busy people and money is always tight around this time of year, but there is nothing I hate more than people who ring you one week before Christmas and say “Sorry we –
insert excuse here – so maybe we just shouldn’t exchange gifts this year.” As though Christmas somehow managed to take them by surprise despite being an annual holiday.

I know most people don’t buy their Christmas presents quite as early as me, but the majority have them sorted by the week before and a last minute cancellation can really throw them off.

Be considerate of others this Christmas and follow this checklist:

Have the ‘Christmas’ talk – If you’re going to spend your time finding the perfect present for someone, it’s important to make sure they actually want it.

Now’s the time to drop your friends and family a quick text to find out “Are we doing presents this year?” Read more