Checklist For Starting Yoga

Yoga can be pretty intimidating. I know because for many years I was too afraid to try it. But now I practice it every morning for 10 to 20 minutes and I feel so much better about starting my day. Yoga will make you feel healthier, more positive and comes with a laundry list of other wellness benefits.

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11 Must-Have Baby Registry Items

Just last week Jay and I had dinner with friends who are expecting a baby in April. We talked about all the usual topics — names, nursery decor, cravings, and, of course, to-do lists! It’s amazing how much preparation goes into having a baby! There are questions for your doctors, things to bring to the hospital for delivery, food-shopping lists for a healthy pregnancy, things to buy before the baby arrives and the lists go on and on!

A fellow TV producer, single mom, and friend has agreed to take the guess work out of at least one of those never-ending lists for you. Cara Lemieux is tacking the baby registry because she knows just what it’s like to want to be completely prepared before your baby arrives! Her list will make your life easier: Read more

5 Health Benefits of List Making

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BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


Making a list will make you more organized, productive and efficient.  But did you know that there are actual health benefits to list making too? Yes – it’s true. I’ve spoken with psychologists and surgeons about this topic and they’ve all said the same thing: lists will help you be healthier.  Whether you’re writing down healthful goals or just making grocery lists — the benefits are equal:

1.  Reduce Anxiety: How many times have you said “I have a million things to do – how am I going to get it all accomplished?”  A list will help to ease those fears. As soon as you start writing things down on paper (or in your smartphone) and get it out of your head — your stress levels will drop. Read more

Get a Copy of my List-Making Teleseminar

Who would have thought so many people could talk about lists for over an hour? Well, you can! And we did! I was lucky enough to participate in a teleseminar called “Compulsive List Making: The How’s and The Why’s” with Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. We talked about:

  • effective techniques for making lists to get more done
  • what kind of lists have worked best for me
  • how lists help people in all professions be more productive and efficient
  • my favorite list-making apps
  • questions from listeners
  • and so much more!

In case you missed it, click here to sign up for a copy of the recording and listen to it whenever you get a chance.  I’ve also created a special tab called “teleseminar” at the top of my site.  Here you’ll find every blog post, app, website and technique I mentioned on the call.  I hope this information is useful and I’d love to hear what you think of it!  Happy list making!

Sign Up For My List-Making Teleseminar Today

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If you’re a list maker like me — do your lists work for you or do they drive you crazy?  If they’re making you nuts — don’t give up…there are things you can do so your lists will make you more productive.

If you don’t make lists but would like to — I can show you how to do it effectively.  Having a well-written list is like having a road map to accomplish your goals.  It’s very important to be realistic and specific.

I’d like to help everyone learn how to better use lists to serve his or her life.  Making lists will help you become more efficient and focused in all areas of your life.  Whether it be grocery shopping, finishing projects or finding a new home — a list will help you accomplish your goals.

So I’m teaming up with Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. — the “Ph.D. of Productivity” — for a teleseminar, January 12, 2012 at 6pm Eastern.  You can sign up here and join in on the call-in event. If you can’t make it at that time — sign up anyway and an MP3 of the call will be sent to you afterwards.

It’s a free event and you’ll learn:

  1. Why list making is essential to success in all areas of life – personal and professional.
  2. What kinds of lists (and yes, there are different kinds) need to be part of your Keeping-Chaos-at-Bay toolkit.
  3. Strategies for effective list making at home, at work, and just about anywhere.
  4. How to make various kinds of lists work for you.
  5. How to make difficult decisions using a list.
  6. Where to make your lists so they don’t get lost or unused (useful apps, websites, list paper, etc).

Hope you’ll join me for this exciting teleseminar!