What’s REALLY Hijacking Your To-Do List


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


It’s time to declutter your life. I’m not talking about cleaning up your desk. (Although that has a lot to do with the kind of focus that you can give your business.)

I’m talking about those things that hijack your to-do list. The things that get in the way of what you really want to get done in your business (and your life).

These are the things that get in the way of what you really want to get done in your business (and your life). The first step is to think positive. If you believe you can have an uncluttered business. You can make it happen.

And I’ve got three practical tips to help you declutter your business.

1) Identify your clutter.

Ask yourself, “how could it be different?” How could your life be different? How could your business be different? How could you be different? What are the things holding us back?

Because I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re the ones that get in the way of our goals.

Make a list of the things you currently wish you had time for. Maybe you feel like you never have enough time with your family. Maybe you wish you had time to finish the book you’re reading. Maybe you keep telling yourself it’s impossible to take a day off.

And make a list of all the excuses that get in the way of your goals. Like that your day is dictated by email, for example.

As an entrepreneur, your business is a part of your life. So it’s really important to zero-in on your priorities and what you’re saying is holding you back AKA identifying your goals and the “clutter” getting in the way in order to start clearing it out.


Put the right things on your to-do list with Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You!


2) Pick ONE priority.

What are the big priorities in your life? Sleep? Nutrition? Exercise? Meditation? Love? Finding a new job? We do so many different things that sometimes everything feels like a priority. But it’s not.

Do a brain dump exercise where you just put everything down. Get it down on paper. But then only pick ONE big priority.

Write it down. Put it on a sticky note. Stick it next to your computer so that you can have that as a reference point and say, “Wait, wait, wait, I’m getting hijacked, I’m getting pulled away. There’s so much other stuff and other clutter. I really shouldn’t be focusing on that. I need to clear the clutter using my priority.”



3) Using your priority to say yes and no.

Once you have your priority, it becomes much easier to say no to things that would take you away from it.

Let’s say the priority is sleep. Anything that’s going to interfere with your sleep schedule is not going to be a “Yes,” it’s going to be a “No” or a “Not right now,” right?

So you have to pause before saying yes or no to anything. Ask yourself, “Is this task aligned with my priority?” And if it is, it’s a “Yes!” And if it’s not, it has to be a “No,” or it has to be a “Not right now,” and the way that you do this is to have rules.

For more tips about identifying your priorities and clearing your clutter, check out my book Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You. And click here to watch the full Inside Scoop episode where I go into more detail about these steps.


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


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