Entries by Paula Rizzo

What’s a ‘Listicle’ Anyway?

The word listicle, a combination of the words list and article, has officially made it onto OxfordDictionaries.com. It is defined as ‘An article on the Internet presented in the form of a numbered or bullet-pointed list.’ While it may have only recently come into common use, I’ve been writing listicles on this blog for years now. So to celebrate the […]

Boost Your Productivity in Just 15 Minutes

We’ve all been there, working on a difficult project where everything seems to take so much longer.  Or a Monday morning when our minds are just moving a little slower.  What you really need is something to help kick start your energy. Here are some quick things you can do in 15 minutes or less to make you more […]

Go on a ‘Fake-ation’ and Get More Done

The week before you go on vacation is filled with excitement, tension and anxiety as you rush to get all your work done before you go. For some, that last-minute panic is the only thing that can inspire them to get completely caught up on your work. So why not use the “vacation feeling” to […]