Find the Best Way to Keep Your Lists


Lists (10)

Sometimes the hardest part about list making is deciding where to keep your lists. It can be handy to use an app on your phone, or a program like Evernote, where you can access your lists anywhere, anytime online. Using paper has its benefits, too — every finished task comes with the
satisfaction of crossing the item off your list.  Read more

List of Must-Watch TV Shows

Breaking Bad (season 2)

Breaking Bad (season 2) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve literally been glued to my TV for weeks watching Breaking Bad on Netflix.

Each night Jay and I would watch a few episodes and we are finally all caught up and excited for the series finale in August. The writing and the characters are superb. If you don’t watch it — you need to!

Summer can be a great time to indulge a little and catch up any TV episodes you missed last season or discover your new favorite show. Access to old TV shows has never been easier — with the amount of streaming videos available online, a marathon of your favorite series can be just a few clicks away.
And the best part is, you don’t need to sit through commercials or wait through the end-of-the-season cliffhangers — its all right there for you to watch when you want. (That’s one of my favorite parts about watching an old show. All the episodes are already out!) So break out the popcorn and get cozy on your couch!
Set aside some time this summer to relax and unwind. Here’s my list of TV shows to give a try:
  1. Breaking Bad (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video)
  2. Homeland (Amazon Instant Video, Showtime Online, iTunes)
  3. Downton Abby (Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus)
  4. The Sopranos (HBO Go, HBO on Demand)
  5. Lost (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus)
  6. Grey’s Anatomy (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus)
  7. Bones (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video)
  8. Mad Men (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video)
  9. Alias (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video)
  10. Dexter (Amazon Instant Video)
  11. Heroes (Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Hulu Plus)
  12. Girls (Amazon Instant Video)

Hail a Cab From Your Phone

photoEver had trouble hailing a cab? If you’re a New Yorker…I’m talking to you.  Well, as it turns out — there’s an app for that! (Haha) Maybe you’re caught out in the rain, or carrying a ton of groceries. You’d love to grab a cab ride home, but easier said than done, right? Not anymore — with the help of Hailo, you can hail a cab from your phone!

I tried it out a few weeks ago and I have to say it was  quick and easy! All you have to do is choose a location to be picked up and the app will tell you the name of your cab driver, his phone number, and how long you’ll need to wait. You even can track where the cab is on your phone, so no need to waste time waiting outside.

Congrats to Astrid: An Amazing To-Do List App

Would you like a personal assistant to help you remember appointments and check things off your to-do list? I know of one who will work for cheap and keep you organized and make sure you hit all your deadlines. Her name is Astrid. And I’d like to offer my congratulations since the company was just sold to Yahoo.  

Who is Astrid?

Astrid is an adorable little octopus and one of my favorite to-do list apps for iPhone or Android.  If you don’t have one of those devices you can also access this productivity tool by going to

Astrid will keep all of your tasks organized and remind you of what you need to do with motivational and encouraging nudges like “How about it? Ready tiger?”  You can also rename all of your lists and maintain them however you like — set reminders or not, give your tasks due dates or not. It’s up to you. Read more

Best Food Apps

Salumi e vino lucchese.

Salumi e vino lucchese. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s no secret — I love food!  For someone who works in television I don’t actually watch it that often but when I do I’m always watching a cooking show.  I love talking about food, eating it and planning out menus.

So when Mindy Kobrin of Meals on Heels asked me to write a guest blog for her food site I was thrilled!  I decided to write about some apps that make planning, eating and enjoying much easier.  Here’s a look at that blog post: 5 Must-Have Food Apps.

Bonus App

While on vacation in Italy and Paris recently I found another useful app that I didn’t include in my guest post.  It’s called Delectable and it’s a wine app that is very smart.  You just snap a photo of a wine that you’re enjoying and the app does the rest.  The photo is sent to a database that identifies where the wine was produced, what year it was, what type it is, etc.  And it even tells you where you can buy the wine.  It’s a clever and practical app for wine lovers.  It definitely came in handy in Tuscany.  More on that trip soon.  But I hope you find these apps helpful in the meantime.