Tag Archive for: being more organized

List of Ways to Make Working At Home Easier

Summer is the perfect excuse to work from home. But working from home can be both a blessing and curse. There are distractions around every corner — kids, food, your bed, etc. I don’t work from home that often but when I do it can sometimes be daunting to keep my head in the game. No wonder why people look to use a hotspot booster though, as this will allow them to work anywhere in the world with good quality internet connection. What more could you ask for? I was recommend to look into email hosting, which would enable me to look at my work emails wherever I am. This is beneficial to people who have their own businesses and their own domain. It’s an easy way to get more reliable and efficient service. Who doesn’t like to make work easier for themselves? There’s so much I have planned this summer in terms of my business. I have always wanted to update and improve my website and I feel like this is the perfect time to do it. The last website that I had, I used an outsource company to help create all my pages. But this time round, I want to try and do this myself. I know it will be difficult initially, but I’ll get used to it. Once I look into what ia definition is and all the other terminology, I should be fine! Plus, if I do get stuck, I know a few people who can give me a helping hand.

I often try to keep the same time table I would if I were working in an office. Taking breaks for lunch and walks to keep myself going. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be if you also throw kids into the work from home mix.

Care.com, which helps parents find babysitters, nannies and child care, recently asked me to give some tips on ways to be more productive and stay focused. Here’s my list of ways to prioritize and get more done at home.

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Best Places for Writing Lists?

Lists help to make you more efficient, save money and time, boost your memory and aid in decision making.  But how do you make your lists? I’ve found that doing a combination of things has helped me to be more organized. Maybe it will work for you too.

1. Handwritten: For me, I feel like it’s not really a to-do list unless it’s written out. I also write out my packing lists and my pros v. cons lists. Read more

Keeping an Integrity List


integrity (Photo credit: glsims99)

How many times have you said any of the following:

  • We should catch up
  • Let’s go out for drinks
  • Oh – I’ll send you his contact info
  • I’ll reach out and let you know what she says
  • We will definitely celebrate together soon

…and then never actually did it? Yep – me too. It happens – it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person it just means that you should be more honest with yourself and more careful with your words.

I’ve found a new type of list thanks to my Lists & Libations group – it’s called an integrity list. One of the members, Al, told me all about how he uses them. Basically it’s a list of all the things that you say you are going to do so you hold yourself accountable for those actions. Things like calling a friend or meeting up with a co-worker – you say you will do them — but will you ever actually do them? If you keep an integrity list you will be more mindful of the promises you make.

Amazing concept right? I thought so too.

I think people throw around these terms and phrases because they are space fillers during awkward moments.  But often times they are just baseless. Al says one of the worst things you can do is go against your word.  What if the person you promised was really counting on going to dinner or getting that contact and you flaked out on them? That’s not how you want to be perceived. I’m going to start my own integrity list right now and make sure that I choose my words wisely from now on. You should too!

Organize Everyone’s Birthday

How do you remember everyone’s birthday? It’s really difficult but if you have a system in place you can be the star of the family or your circle of friends!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  I use a list to track everyone’s birthdays throughout the year.  I document all the birthdays and I have reminders emailed to me, so I know weeks in advance if a birthday is coming up so I can plan accordingly.

Now that I’m totally addicted to my iPhone — I need an app for everything!  So I went in search of one and I found Birthday Calendar.  This is essential if you want to be organized and have everyone’s birthday in one spot. Read more

Never Lose A Receipt Again!

With this post I’m going to share two of my new favorite things.  An organizing app called Lemon and a fabulous website I’ve just found called Digitwirl.com.  I’ve mentioned Lemon before in my posts about must-have apps.  It’s a great way to keep track of all your paper receipts and go digital!  No more clutter and you will always know just where to find every receipt.

Digitwirl.com is a really great site that dishes on new technology to make your life easier — just like Lemon.  Carley Knobloch features apps, websites and products in a fun and useful way.  Check out Carley’s take on Lemon!