Tag Archive for: being more organized

Stationery Entrepreneur Manages Her Life and Business With Lists

unnamedRunning a company and managing a family is not an easy feat. However, our featured list producer for this month does just that. In fact Bonnie Marcus launched her stationary company while she was pregnant with her first child. As a pregnant entrepreneur, she launched HMHB, where she blogs about pregnancy advice and writes about maternity products, like baby bottles, for other moms. She has been kind enough to answer a few questions and share some of her productivity tips.

1. Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

As the owner of a very busy design studio, and mommy to 3 very busy little boys, I wouldn’t be able to last one day without having a “to-do” list of priorities in front of me! There is always too much to do & too little time to get it all done, but with a list of priorities, it is all much more manageable. Read more

5 Ways You’re More Productive Than You Thought

sucessOn this blog I write about the things you can do to be more productive. But what about the things you are already doing? Whether you realize it or not you’re always improving. Don’t believe me? Think back to the person you where a year ago, or five years ago. You’re probably doing a lot better than you thought.

Today I encourage you to take a moment, think about all the productive things you do and give yourself a pat on the back. Here are some productive things you might do without even knowing it! Read more

I Want to Give You My Productivity Course for Free!

paulaI’m excited to announce that in December I’ll be offering a productivity course called “Listful Thinking” on PopExpert.com. Pop Expert creates online video workshops to help you live a more fulfilling and connected life.

I had such a blast shooting this course in September with the Pop Expert team.  We filmed in a fabulous loft in Brooklyn and spent a whole day talking lists and productivity.  It didn’t feel like work at all! Read more

Grab a spot on my VIP team

vipAs you probably know — my book “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” is coming out on January 13, 2015.

To be honest I’m quite nervous! I can’t believe the thing I’ve been working on for so long is going to be available for all the world to see.

I’m sure some of you reading this may also have dreamed about writing a book, or wondered what it would be like to be part of a book launch. Read more

7 Ways To Eliminate Time Wasters


(Photo credit: openDemocracy)

When you think about how much time you waste, you tend to think of the big things, like the hours wasted binging on Netflix (I’m obsessed with Orange Is The New Black,) paging through social media or wandering
aimlessly around the mall. When something only wastes a minute or so we don’t think about it as much. But when you add all those things together you could potentially be throwing away hours of your day.

I’ve come up with a list to help you combat the small time sucks in your life: Read more