Tag Archive for: being more productive

App Makes Life Easier and Delivers On Demand

wunWhile I love my to-do list, sometimes it gets really overwhelming to try to accomplish so much in one day. I’ve posted about limiting your to-do list before, but sometimes it just is not possible to cut your list down. That’s why I love apps where you can outsource your errands!

Unlike TaskRabbit which allows you to hire someone to assemble furniture or deliver groceries, the Wun-Wun app exclusively offers deliveries. With this app you can have anything you want delivered to you anywhere in Manhattan!

Sign up with a credit card and phone number and with a few taps one of their 200 helpers is on his way. Most deliveries are free (the app itself costs $0.99) but restaurant and coffee deliveries cost $20.

Just for fun, here is a list of ways you can use the Wun-Wun app:

1. Have someone else do your grocery shopping while you binge-watch “Breaking Bad”
2. Have wine delivered to your apartment while cooking for a dinner party
3. Have deodorant delivered while at the gym
4. Have your picnic brought to you in Central Park
5. Have medicine delivered to your door when you’re home with a cold

The best part is you never have to pay cash (or leave your couch) and the tip is included. The possibilities are endless really. Once you start outsourcing your life — you’ll find that you have much more time to do the things you really love!

Wun-Wun via The App Store $0.99

Four Ways to Refresh Your Closet For Fall

Clothes rack

Clothes rack (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

To me, fall means leaves changing color, pumpkin-flavored everything (including M&Ms, they’re new!) and that exciting moment when it’s finally cool enough to wear my favorite blazer. If you’re like me and you have limited closet space (thanks NYC,) reincorporating those fall sweaters into my wardrobe means cleaning out my summer clothes to make extra room.

After you’ve regained some precious closet real estate, take advantage of the time it takes to put away all your fall clothes and try a modern technique to be more efficient with your time and closet space. Check out this list of tips and tricks that you can try when reorganizing your closet for fall. Who said productivity couldn’t have style?

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How to get “Unstuck”

You know when you have a really difficult decision to make or a project to start and you just can’t seem to get it? Procrastination can be a debilitating thing and leave you stuck for too long. I recently got turned on to a life-changing (and free!) app called “Unstuck.” This amazing iPad app is like having a life coach in the palm of your hand! It can help:

  • set goals and make plans
  • make decisions
  • get help overcoming obstacles
  • deal with major changes
  • find motivation Read more

Making Your To-Do List “Stick”

Grocery ListSunday is my day for catching up on things I missed during the week, getting a head start on tasks for the week ahead, and getting to zero inbox

With a limited number of hours in the day, there is only so much that can be accomplished. I’m someone who hates to go to bed with a task left unfinished, but sometimes with a big empty Sunday ahead of me I can get a little ambitious. I’ve found though that if you set yourself up for small wins by limiting your to-do list you’ll feel more accomplished at the end of the day. It’s much easier to get 3 things done than 30. It’s just simple math – and I’m terrible at math but trust me, it’s true!

This method can be used to increase productivity at work, plan social events, and even limit overspending at the grocery store!

Not convinced? Here’s a list of reasons to limit your to-do list to a post-it: Read more

Simple Ways To Make Your Life Easier

Day 89 - After The Run

Day 89 – After The Run (Photo credit: slgckgc)

Sometimes the simplest thing can help you accomplish so much more. Like tying your shoe the right way! Sounds silly, right? I thought so too, but humor me for a minute. I found a video of the very first three-minute TED talk in 2005 where Terry Moore told his audience that many of them were actually tying their shoes incorrectly…as he had been doing until about three years prior!

As it turns out, there is a “strong form” of the knot used to tie your shoes, and it can make your life the teensiest bit easier because it won’t come untied as often as the “weak form” of the knot.
So, in honor of Moore’s statement that, “Sometimes a small advantage somewhere in life can yield tremendous results someplace else,” here is a list of things you can do to gain a small advantage here and there: Read more