Tag Archive for: how to be more successful

How to get “Unstuck”

You know when you have a really difficult decision to make or a project to start and you just can’t seem to get it? Procrastination can be a debilitating thing and leave you stuck for too long. I recently got turned on to a life-changing (and free!) app called “Unstuck.” This amazing iPad app is like having a life coach in the palm of your hand! It can help:

  • set goals and make plans
  • make decisions
  • get help overcoming obstacles
  • deal with major changes
  • find motivation Read more

How to be Ultra Organized

A few days ago, I found an infographic to help you to become “The Most Organized Person in the World.” Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that aspiring to be the most organized person in the WORLD is the best goal — you’d probably go a bit nuts along the way. But trying for something more attainable, like just being MORE organized, is a great idea. I’m always looking for new, better ways to stay on my game!

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Use Lists to Cut Out Clutter

Andrew Mellen Headshot Tighter

I love meeting people who are just as organized as I am and getting the chance to learn something new from them. I went to the BlogHer conference in Chicago last weekend (more about the productivity tips and tricks on outsourcing that I learned there to come soon!) and met Andrew Mellen, bestselling author of Unstuff Your Life. Needless to say, he’s an expert at staying organized and keeping it together! So I thought he’d be the perfect “list producer” to feature:

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer?

A: I don’t. I call myself a practical list producer.

Q: What do you make lists about?

A: Things I need to do that need to get out of my head, onto a page, then onto my calendar.

These are typically:


Home Projects

Work Projects

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List of Ways to Make Working At Home Easier

Summer is the perfect excuse to work from home. But working from home can be both a blessing and curse. There are distractions around every corner — kids, food, your bed, etc. I don’t work from home that often but when I do it can sometimes be daunting to keep my head in the game. No wonder why people look to use a hotspot booster though, as this will allow them to work anywhere in the world with good quality internet connection. What more could you ask for? I was recommend to look into email hosting, which would enable me to look at my work emails wherever I am. This is beneficial to people who have their own businesses and their own domain. It’s an easy way to get more reliable and efficient service. Who doesn’t like to make work easier for themselves? There’s so much I have planned this summer in terms of my business. I have always wanted to update and improve my website and I feel like this is the perfect time to do it. The last website that I had, I used an outsource company to help create all my pages. But this time round, I want to try and do this myself. I know it will be difficult initially, but I’ll get used to it. Once I look into what ia definition is and all the other terminology, I should be fine! Plus, if I do get stuck, I know a few people who can give me a helping hand.

I often try to keep the same time table I would if I were working in an office. Taking breaks for lunch and walks to keep myself going. I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be if you also throw kids into the work from home mix.

Care.com, which helps parents find babysitters, nannies and child care, recently asked me to give some tips on ways to be more productive and stay focused. Here’s my list of ways to prioritize and get more done at home.

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A List for Dealing With Difficult People


crying-baby (Photo credit: bbaunach)

Everyone has dealt with their fair share of difficult people.  But I feel like working in the news business pairs you up with some particularly grumpy characters.  Any time egos are involved – things can become testy.  I’ve worked with some absolutely amazing and wonderful reporters, anchors, producers, writers, editors and videographers through the years.  And some less than wonderful and amazing to say to least.

I’ll never forget when I first started out in as a freelance writer in New York City. During my first couple of weeks, a huge story broke while I was in the newsroom.  Within minutes of hearing the news that the Staten Island Ferry had crashed into a pier on Staten Island and that 71 passengers were injured and 11 killed, we were on the air. Read more