Tag Archive for: productivity tips

Cameron Diaz’s Shopping List Tips

Cameron diaz

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A friend recently informed me that in her new book, “The Body Book“, Cameron Diaz mentions how important shopping lists are to her health. She even included a few tips for when you sit down to make your own shopping list for the week:

1. How active will you be this week? Cameron believes it is important to design your nutrition around your body’s needs. For example, if you plan on hitting the gym five days that week then you need to plan meals to support that higher level of activity. Read more

Limit Your Options And Get More Done

29/52 choice paralysis

(Photo credit: maclauren70)

We often think that the more choices we have the better. That’s the whole idea behind bigger supermarkets and larger malls – more choices. But is that really what’s best for us?

For example, if you’re a bridesmaid picking your dress can be a fairly daunting task, especially if the bride has told you to wear whatever you like. You know very well that she’d be unhappy if you really did wear whatever you like so you second guess every option. But if the bride narrows it down to a specific color and designer — the choice suddenly becomes much easier.

This concept is called decision fatigue – the central premise being that the more decisions we make the less likely we are to make good decisions. Once you accept that fewer choices are better you can start being more productive and improve your judgement.

Follow the items on this list to limit your options: Read more

Declutter Your Closet in Time for Summer

DeclutterThe sun is coming out and so are the shorts and sandals! It’s time to check out trendy online boutiques to start creating your wardrobe for the summer!
The start of summer means packing away your coats, hats and gloves for hopefully the next few months, but it’s also a good time to clear out your closet. De-cluttering can often be a painfully time consuming task. Some people like to get it over with in one afternoon (with good music to motivate them) while others prefer to split it up into phases. You know one day doing pants, the next day doing shirts. You’ve got to find what works best for you. I’ve got so many old clothes I need to get rid of since I’ve bought a load of new clothes from this site. It’s time for a new style!

As you go through every item in your closet consider the following:

  • Have I worn it in the past year?
  • Do I love it?
  • Is it uncomfortable? Does it itch/scratch?
  • Does it project the image I want to present?

Read more

Find An Extra Hour in Your Day

(photo credit: wikipedia.com)

If you’re a busy person like me, you’ve probably found yourself day-dreaming about a 25 or even a 26-hour day. A fantasy world where you not only finish all your tasks for the day, you even find time to pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read. Unfortunately I can’t make the day longer, but I do know how you can save one hour at a time.

Don’t let waiting time be wasted time

On hold with the bank? Bored on your daily commute? Use this time to do smaller tasks like reading your emails, checking your Facebook page or paying bills with a mobile app.  This not only saves time, but stops these smaller errands from becoming pesky interruptions at work.

Time saved: 10 minutes  Read more

Feel Like You’re Stuck? Let Me Help!

Paula Making ListsI would like to thank everyone who participated in my recent survey, I received a lot of fascinating suggestions on what you would like to see on ListProducer.com. One of the most popular response by far was people looking for one-on-one productivity coaching sessions.  I love this idea and have been doing some sessions unofficially for years.  So I’m expanding my website and adding services to help you get your life back on track.

Who is My Coaching Designed For?

Do you pop out of bed in the middle of the night because you forgot to:

  • Send an email?
  • Pack lunch?
  • Enter a meeting into your calendar?
  • Jot down the items you need at the grocery store?
  • Or any other item on your to-do list?

Let me help you get organized and become more productive.

I know how you feel! I’ve been there myself… constantly worried about looming to-dos and unable to relax. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’ve tried to “get organized” or “get more done” before and haven’t been able to stick with it… I’m here for you. Sometimes the toughest part of finding a system that works is just getting started. I will help you identify the best tools for you and find the most effective methods to deal with frustrations that are keeping you stuck. Read more