Tag Archive for: productivity

Get Your Idea Off to a Running Start

creativity-819371_640A question I’m often asked is how did I go from having the idea for ListProducer.com  and my book Listful Thinking to what they’ve become today?

The short answer is a lot of work.

Making an idea a reality takes a lot of research and planning. When you’re first starting out all this extra work can be a tough hurdle for people.

Especially as it can take a while before you start to see the fruits of your labor.

If you are trying to start your own business or discover your next big thing, then I have some help for you! My friend Dorie Clark is giving away her FREE 42 page workbook to help you get your idea off the ground.

Dorie Clark started out as a presidential campaign spokeswoman. She has since started her own business as a marketing strategy consultant and professional speaker.  Recognized as a “branding expert” by the Associated Press, Fortune, and Inc. magazine. She’s also written two books, Reinventing You and her most recent book, Stand Out, which was named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine.

Click here to download Dorie’s workbook.

Productivity Tidbits I Picked Up on Vacation


Paula & Jay in Puerto Rico

I have a tendency to always feel like I should be doing something…at all times.

“Isn’t there an email I can write back to?”

“I must have an article I’ve been meaning to read around here somewhere.”  

“Oh I’ll just straighten up my desk a bit — I have a few minutes.”  

This is the ongoing dialogue in my head most days.

Even on vacation.

I recently went to Puerto Rico with my hubby for some much-needed rest and relaxation.  I’d been having a bit of an overload beforehand and feeling like I needed to cut myself off from networking and being a social butterfly.  So it came at the perfect time.  We visited the resort where we got married almost 7 years ago so it was nice to be back in a place we hold so close to our hearts.

Typically I’d be in a bit of an anxious mode thinking I’m wasting time laying on the beach (I know, it’s kind of crazy) and not writing blog posts, guest posts for websites or brainstorming something!   Read more

Why Being Nosy Makes You Unproductive

cultura-organizationala-doru-dimaI’m a naturally curious person. You might call it nosy, but I don’t see it that way.

I’m just interested in what’s going on around me. It’s why I love people watching so much and it’s also probably the reason why I went into journalism.

The problem is sometimes this curiosity can be a hinderance. When you want to be in the know about everything… well it’s a lot of research. Sometimes I get so wrapped in things I don’t even care about, because I’m interested to see if it might lead somewhere good.

So I’m taking a stand and trying to cut these nosy time wasters out of my life.  Check out my list – maybe you are guilty of dilly dallying with these tasks too: Read more

A List for Thanksgiving Efficiency!

turkey-966494_640This week you’ll be bombarded with posts about gratitude and remembering to love your friends and family and I was tempted to write one myself.  But the planner in me stopped — and decided to make a practical list instead.  

I figured it would be more efficient to share a list of ways to get through these busy days easier because everyone else would cover the other topics.  

So here’s a few posts I’ve written in the past (yes one IS about gratitude) to get you through the hectic Thanksgiving holiday:

Checklist for a Stress-Free Dinner Party – If you’re hosting this year, check out this list to make sure you’re all ready for your guests! Read more

Tested Strategies to Get More Done

workstation-405768_640I don’t have ADHD or ADD, but I know a lot about it.  That’s because I cover health news for a living. Although having this blog has taught me a lot about it too.  Turns out a lot of the tips that I’ve given through the years are particularly useful to people with ADHD and other attention issues and they’ve reached out to me about it.  It’s true — I struggle with distractions too and have systems to cope.

Recently I listened to Peter Shankman’s webinar on how to be productive when you have ADD. If you don’t know of him, Shankman is a public relations and marketing expert who has written three books including “Nice Companies Finish First: Why Cutthroat Management Is Over–and Collaboration Is In.” He also created HARO (Help a Reporter Out) which is a journalism tool I use daily. And he also has ADHD and travels all over the world regularly.  So there are a lot of amazing sights that catch his eye throughout the day! Read more