Tag Archive for: productivity

8 Wines to Try This Summer

Paula Rizzo Drinking WineSummer has always been my favorite season. First because my birthday is in the summer and I think everyone becomes attached to “their season.” But also I love cooking outdoors and enjoying great summer wines!  You know how I feel about Pinot Grigio but there are many others to choose from.

So get your spatula in one hand and your wine glass in the other and let the grilling begin! Here’s a list of great wines that I’ll be trying this summer for under $20:

  1. Enza Sparkling Rosé: Straight from Italy, this sparkling wine has a refreshing strawberry and green apple flavor. $15

2.    337 Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon: This wine offers deep and bold flavors of  grapes from the Sierra Nevada Mountains. $14

3.    Innocent Bystander Pink Moscato: Enjoy the moderately sweet watermelon, peach and ginger ale aromas with fizzy fruit flavors. $10

4.    Petite Sirah: If you prefer red wine, definitely break this out at your next barbecue! This wine tastes both smooth and silky and it’s easy to drink! $12

5.    Mt. Beautiful North Canterbury Pinot Noir: Another red wine selection that offers a taste of cranberry, black cherry and spice. $18

6.    Adega do Monte Branco Alento Branco: This white wine is perfect for sipping on the patio—it’s pure, refreshing blend tastes like ripe pineapple and zesty lime. $14

7.   Penfolds Club Tawny: A personal favorite of mine! This wine has just the right mellowness and consistency to leave your mouth watering. $14

8.    Marco Negri Moscato D’Asti: This sweet, bubbly wine is perfect to pair with any dessert to end your summer barbecue. $18

What wine will you be drinking this summer?

Stop What You’re Doing Right Now

Take a break from your work! (Photo Credit: sitbetter.com)

Take a break from your work! (Photo Credit: sitbetter.com)

Ever have one of those days where you look up and already it’s 2pm and you haven’t eaten lunch? I hate that. I know how busy a workday can get. There’s a lot to do in a certain amount of time, so things become stressful and hectic.

I often see people running around from meeting to meeting or sacrificing their lunch break, but a college study found that sometimes a break is the very thing you need. No matter how behind schedule you are, breaks are necessary to help us regain focus and energy to make us more productive.

Next time you suffer from writers block or become so frustrated with a task, take a breather to give your brain time to rest and reenergize– then dive back into the task. You’ll notice a difference. Here’s a list of ideal ways to spend your break time to recharge:

1. Go to the dog park nearby: Getting some fresh air is important– and what better way to spend it than with dogs? Going outside helps improve your productivity and focus… and dogs are a bonus to the trick! It’s good to get fresh air when you can as it can be that bit of relief that you need before getting back to your work.

2. Go for a tea run: Not only will your co-workers love this, but it’ll give your brain just enough time to relax and reenergize. You’ll get the caffeine you need– and who knows, maybe next time your co-workers will do the same for you!

3. Drink a green juice: Green juices are proven to improve focus and energy levels. By taking a few minutes to prepare this snack, you’ll boost your productivity, as well as your health! (It’s my new favorite thing!)

4. Find inspiration on Pinterest: Rather than scroll through your Twitter and Instagram feeds, switch things up by searching for career inspiration on Pinterest. Whether it’s resumes you love or awesome companies you want to work for, this will allow you to return back to your work fully motivated.

5. Send a thank you: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again– gratitude is key! Even if someone helped you out in the simplest way, write them a quick note to let them know you appreciate it. It’ll help make your day and theirs!

6. Make a phone call: Step outside and call up a friend or relative. A short chat to see how their day is going will help boost your energy and mood before returning to your work. You may even schedule plans, which will encourage you to finish up your work as soon as possible!

What are you going to do on your next break?

Read Faster with the Blinkist App

Blinkist app (Photo Credit: allmyfaves.com)

Blinkist app (Photo Credit: www.allmyfaves.com)

There are so many books on my reading list, that are sadly still waiting to be read. I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction lately like “How to Make Every Man Want You” by Marie Forleo and “Less Doing, More Living: Make Everything in Life Easier” by Ari Meisel. But between work and my day to day schedule, it’s hard to find the time to sit down and enjoy a book in it’s entirety.

However, I recently discovered a new solution to my problem– the app Blinkist!

Blinkist works the same way as sites like Cliff Notes by providing a quick and short synopsis of a book—this time on your iPhone or iPad! The app takes the full text of a non-fiction book and turns it into quick snippets of information. Rather than scrolling through pages and pages of text, Blinkist gives you the most important information from a text in just fifteen minutes! Here are some of the perks Blinkist has to offer:

1.     The books are put into categories, helping you to find what book you’re searching for easily. There’s even a productivity and self-help category! Read more

5 Time Wasters to Get Under Control

(Photo Credit: www.fitlike51.com)

(Photo Credit: www.fitlike51.com)

I go to a lot of conferences and meetings and when I ask people “how have you been?” they often say “busy.”  I get it – we are all busy but some people are addicted to this idea and this mentality.  They say busy as a place holder and it becomes their story.  But when you really think about it — all that busy time could probably be a lot more productive if you canceled out the time wasters.  While those extra commitments can help fill up your time, it doesn’t always mean that you’re using your time wisely. Most people waste time each day without even realizing that they’re doing it!

Here’s a list of time wasters that tend to sneak up on us:

1.     E-mail: While e-mail can be a quick and easy way to communicate, there are times when a phone call can get the job done quicker. I love e-mail, but sometimes it can be a pain waiting around for someone to respond—and sometimes people forget and never do! When needed, it can be more effective to pick up the phone or meet in person to get a question answered faster.

2.     Multi-tasking: It’s great to be eager and take on as much as possible, but there comes a point when enough is enough. When you take on too many projects at once, it often results in nothing getting done. By prioritizing your tasks (with a to-do list!) you’ll be able to focus and plan out what task to do when to make sure it gets accomplished. Plus, I don’t believe in multi-tasking, it’s impossible.

3.     Meetings: Nothing is more frustrating than unproductive meetings! There are so many times when meetings lose focus and nothing gets accomplished. It’s important to make sure there is an agenda that is being followed at all times. If you’re going to be using any kind of technology in the meeting, be sure to set that up ahead of time so people aren’t waiting around. Plus, write down a few key points that you hope to get across so when it’s you’re time to speak you can be succinct and efficient.

4.     Using your computer mouse: Who knew that something as simple as reaching for the mouse can waste your time! By using keyboard shortcuts, tech experts say you can save two seconds per minute. While it may not seem like a lot—believe me, it can add up! When the clock never stops ticking, even the smallest things make a difference.

5.     Social Media: Probably what we’re all most guilty of– wasting time on the Internet. Quickly checking your notifications on Facebook or Twitter can lead to hours of wasted time—even when we don’t mean for it! It’s natural to click from one thing to the next and end up with no progress on your work at the end of the day. If you find yourself guilty of this, there’s an app called SelfControl that lets you block specific websites for up to 24 hours.

What’s your biggest time waster?

Barbara Walter’s Retirement To-Do List

Barbara Walters

Barbara Walters retires May 16, 2014. (Photo Credit: deadline.com)

If you were to visit my parents on Long Island and ask to see my high school year book, next to my photo you would find the words, “hopes to become the next Barbara Walters.” What an overachiever I was, even then! Truth is — I’ve always looked up to Barbara Walters. I remember watching interviews she had done in my college journalism classes and learning from the best. I try to use her techniques even today when I do my own interviews. After reading her memoir, “Audition” I felt compelled to write her an email — and she actually wrote me back! I’m happy I got the opportunity to tell Barbara that she is one of my greatest teachers.

Today is her very last day of work after 50 years on television. She’ll finally be able to enjoy some well-deserved downtime.  To help her out, I made a to-do list of things she should enjoy during her retirement that will keep her up to date with the times:

1. Get a Netflix account: In a recent interview, Barbara said one of the first things she wants to do during her retirement is go to a movie. What she may not realize is that with a Netflix account, she’ll be able to watch as many movies as she wants whenever she wants… in her own home!

2. Get an Instagram account: After 50 years on television, it may be hard to adjust back into the “real world.” But she doesn’t need to cut out the entertainment industry completely (and she’s not—she’s still going to be executive producer for The View!). With an Instagram account, she can stay up to date with some of her favorite people she’s gotten to know over the years by “liking” their posts as they attend numerous events and award shows. And I would love to continue seeing what she’s up to!

3. Go through her old wardrobe: Barbara is in luck—fashion trends are starting to repeat themselves. Rather than have to update her wardrobe, she can just go through her closet and bring out her old favorites. Or use the extra time to clear out clutter and do a bit of a fashion show with all the garments she’s worn through the years on big interviews.

4. Travel: Since her budget won’t be going towards an updated wardrobe, Barbara can spend all her money towards travels. I even have some recommendations on my Pinterest board for places to go!

5. Learn how to take a selfie: Lets face it– we’re all going to miss seeing Barbara on our television screens everyday. It’s going to be weird not knowing what she’s up to! But once she learns how to take the infamous selfie, we’ll be able to stay updated. She can post it to her Instagram account!

6. Have lunch with me! I had to throw it in there because I’m sure we’d have tons to talk about. I’m available whenever you are Barbara!

Happy Retirement!