If You’re a Spreadsheet Nerd – You’ll Love AirTable

Not so long ago the most revolutionary organization tool was the filofax. Once home computers became popular this was replaced with programs like Excel spreadsheets or Outlook. Nowadays there’s a million and one productivity tools to choose from. How do you know what to pick?

Personally, I’ve always felt there was something about spreadsheets that really stands the test of time. They present your data in an easy to read format and you can tab between the various options. I use Google Sheets for example to keep my blog schedule and ideas organized.

I was recently introduced to a program called AirTable, and even met one of the founders recently. It’s  like traditional spreadsheets, but with a lot more features. Their main promo video has some adorable children organizing a film shoot, which as well as being cute, gives you a pretty good idea of the possibilities for using AirTable.

You can import columns that allow you to add images to tasks, sort them in terms of priority, mark them as completed or pending. But you can also use  AirTable to create an inventory list (which they use for film equipment/casting in video), assign people to tasks or create forms which generate a spreadsheet of their own.

Since getting hooked on AirTable I’ve used it for a variety of different tasks such as:

  • Keeping track of upcoming speaking gigs
  • Following up with prospective clients for my media coaching side hustle
  • Creating an editorial calendar for my blog (I’m testing it out to see if I like it better than Google Sheets)
  • Making a list of people I’d like to follow up with after networking events and what I want to talk to them about

The list goes on and on but to give you a better idea of what’s possible AirTable also has premade templates to get you started.  

I use the free version of the website, which also links up to an app and is plenty of space for me so far. But there is a paid version in case you need a bit more bandwidth.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

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