Declutter to Improve Your Happiness


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


Raise your hand if you’ve had a Let’s raise hands if we’ve had a cluttered home. I’ll raise my hand, too – our stuff can get out of hand quickly! (I’m looking at you mail!)

I spoke with author and CEO of dClutterfly, Tracy McCubbin on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop all about the effect clutter has on us.

She shared three of the seven “clutter magnets” from her newest book, Make Space for Happiness, which is a helpful companion to her first book, Making Space, Clutter Free.

Clutter magnets might explain the reasons you’re holding on to so much stuff.  Here’s more on the three clutter magnets Tracy shared:

1) True Connection

“This one, to me, sums up the pandemic,” Tracy said. “Because we were all taken out of our social lives.” We weren’t able to see people in person, to feel that support and care, she also noted.

Many of us turned to online shopping as a way of coping with our lack of feeling connection with other people, yet we still felt empty.

It’s not possible to replace connections with other things, so find ways to support and help friends and family, and even strangers.

2) Strong Self-Confidence

True self confidence isn’t fleeting. Wearing a new blouse to an important meeting might make you feel confident in the moment, sure, but do you feel just as confident in a t-shirt and pair of jeans?

Companies want to sell us – and especially women – the language of you are not enough without our product.

Which might lead to a 2AM anti-aging eye cream purchase.

When you build your self confidence then there isn’t a deficit you’re trying to remedy with purchases.

3) Free Time

Take a look in your kitchen drawers and bathroom cabinets. How many items did you purchase with the intent of saving time? Will using a combined shampoo and conditioner really save you that much time? Maybe fifteen seconds?

Before running out to buy an Instant Pot or rice cooker, ask yourself how much time you’ll save by having this gadget around.

Even better – what you plan to do with that time instead? This is the piece so many of us miss.

Will you learn a language? Spend time with your family? 

Be intentional when making these “time-saving” purchases.

Tracy identifies seven clutter magnets in her new book and if you want to hear more about the three clutter magnets she shared, watch our entire conversation here


BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


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