Get a Copy of my List-Making Teleseminar

Who would have thought so many people could talk about lists for over an hour? Well, you can! And we did! I was lucky enough to participate in a teleseminar called “Compulsive List Making: The How’s and The Why’s” with Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. We talked about:

  • effective techniques for making lists to get more done
  • what kind of lists have worked best for me
  • how lists help people in all professions be more productive and efficient
  • my favorite list-making apps
  • questions from listeners
  • and so much more!

In case you missed it, click here to sign up for a copy of the recording and listen to it whenever you get a chance.  I’ve also created a special tab called “teleseminar” at the top of my site.  Here you’ll find every blog post, app, website and technique I mentioned on the call.  I hope this information is useful and I’d love to hear what you think of it!  Happy list making!

Sign Up For My List-Making Teleseminar Today

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If you’re a list maker like me — do your lists work for you or do they drive you crazy?  If they’re making you nuts — don’t give up…there are things you can do so your lists will make you more productive.

If you don’t make lists but would like to — I can show you how to do it effectively.  Having a well-written list is like having a road map to accomplish your goals.  It’s very important to be realistic and specific.

I’d like to help everyone learn how to better use lists to serve his or her life.  Making lists will help you become more efficient and focused in all areas of your life.  Whether it be grocery shopping, finishing projects or finding a new home — a list will help you accomplish your goals.

So I’m teaming up with Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. — the “Ph.D. of Productivity” — for a teleseminar, January 12, 2012 at 6pm Eastern.  You can sign up here and join in on the call-in event. If you can’t make it at that time — sign up anyway and an MP3 of the call will be sent to you afterwards.

It’s a free event and you’ll learn:

  1. Why list making is essential to success in all areas of life – personal and professional.
  2. What kinds of lists (and yes, there are different kinds) need to be part of your Keeping-Chaos-at-Bay toolkit.
  3. Strategies for effective list making at home, at work, and just about anywhere.
  4. How to make various kinds of lists work for you.
  5. How to make difficult decisions using a list.
  6. Where to make your lists so they don’t get lost or unused (useful apps, websites, list paper, etc).

Hope you’ll join me for this exciting teleseminar!

Checklist for Furniture Shopping

For months and months I’ve been complaining that my bedroom is a wreck. Jay and I have collected a hodge podge of furniture through the years and that basically results in a bedroom that looks like a college dorm. Our living room couch is also pretty uncomfortable so we’ve been meaning to replace it. So we finally decided to go furniture shopping. I used this checklist of course because as you know — I don’t do anything without a list!

1. Know What You Need: With all the furniture that we’ve acquired we’ve also gotten used to having a lot of extra space for our clothes. This is very important when you’re looking for new furniture – you must have a clear picture of what kind of space and storage you will need. Read more

20 Easy Resolutions You Can Feel Good About

If the usual resolutions like get more organized or lose weight don’t suit you this year here’s a list of ideas that might. I thought it might be helpful to put together a list of resolutions that anyone can do and feel great about:

1. Smile whenever you pick up the phone – no matter who it is!

2. Choose your thoughts like you choose your clothes

3. Watch one funny YouTube video per day

4. Take a multivitamin

5. Make someone’s day once a week or month Read more

Get Organized in the New Year

Each year “get organized” tops the most popular resolutions list. It is one that has been on my list from time to time but because it’s such a broad topic — you should narrow your focus if you want to be successful. That’s just one of the ways to make sure you stick to your resolution this year. Organizing expert Tracy McCubbin has given us tips on how to simplify our lives but this time she’s making sure we “get organized” with ease.

New Year’s Resolution: Get Organized

by Tracy McCubbin

New Year’s resolutions are nothing new – literally. Each year we make the same resolutions only to find they’ve gone to the way-side a few short months, weeks, or even days later. Right behind “getting in shape” is often, “getting organized.”

‘Get organized’ is such a broad and unspecific goal that it’s almost destined to fail. Our resolutions are only as good as our plans to put them into action, so the first step is to purge.

The easiest way to have less clutter is to have less stuff. I encourage everyone to really pay attention to their wants versus their needs. Additionally, just like with your resolution to lose weight, you’re not going to get organized overnight. Read more