Tag Archive for: being more productive

Need More Friend Time? Unique Ways to Catch up

photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

When you were younger spending time with your friends was as easy as going to their house after school. But now coordinating schedules with our friends becomes more of a challenge. Making time for them is important not just because they make you happy, but friends can also provide positive encouragement and hold you accountable to reach your goals.

Here’s a unique list of ways you can spend more quality time with your friends:

Start a wine club – A wine club is basically an excuse to get drunk with friends, but with better PR. An invite to a “Wine Club” sounds far more sophisticated and professional than just inviting someone over for drinks. Other than the wine, organizing a monthly club has many additional benefits. Setting aside a particular date every month gives friends a chance to block that day out on their calendars in advance.

Plus, even if people have to skip a few months here and there, you’ll probably still see them more regularly than if you tried to arrange separate events. I got this idea from my new favorite podcast, Glambition Radio with Ali Brown. She spoke to the CEO of a group called Women of the Vine, which highlights women wine makers. They have a wine club with More Magazine called More Uncorked. All the wine is made by women. Love that! Read more

What’s a ‘Listicle’ Anyway?

ListiclesThe word listicle, a combination of the words list and article, has officially made it onto OxfordDictionaries.com. It is defined as ‘An article on the Internet presented in the form of a numbered or bullet-pointed list.’ While it may have only recently come into common use, I’ve been writing listicles on this blog for years now. So to celebrate the new dictionary entry I’m making a listicle of my favorite listicles from ListProducer.com!

1. 10 Gluten Free Grains For Everyone – I spoke with Leslie Cerier from ‘The Organic Gourmet’  and she gave me list of grains everyone should try. This is one of my most popular lists, especially as more and more people are going gluten free. Read more

Join Me Tonight For a Call

speekJust wanted to remind you all that I’m doing a live call tonight to help you get more done! If you have an endless to-do list sitting in front of you — listen up. You do not have to do all the things on that list. It’s true! Give yourself a break and get a little help. I’m talking about outsourcing your tasks to get someone else to do them for you so you can get your time and your sanity back.

Just because you CAN do all the things on that list, doesn’t mean you HAVE to do all those things yourself. There are major benefits that come from having an extra set of hands.

If you’d like ideas on what exactly you can outsource from your to-do list and how to get it done cheaply — join me and Speek’s Chief Operating Officer, Konrad Waliszewski, for a virtual fireside chat on Speek:

When: Wednesday, September 10 at 8:00 PM Eastern

Where: www.speek.com/SpeekOut Read more

Getting Rid of Writer’s Block is as Easy as Baking a Cake

English: A chocolate cake decorated with icing...

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are all writers in some form or another. Some of you will have your own blog or journal, or maybe you’re a student writing essay after essay.  Even office workers write emails or send out a few tweets here and there. I’ve been fortunate enough to never really suffer with writer’s block.  Not that often, at least.  It can be difficult to break out of though.

Here’s a checklist of tricks to try when writer’s block pops up:

1. Bake a cake – I’m not kidding, baking a cake (or any other sweet treat) is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Thinking about your ingredients and what your going to make helps to distract you from the problem at hand and gives you something else to focus on. Once you’ve put the cake in the oven, go back and look and your work with fresh eyes.  You’ll probably find what was missing before. Plus you’ll have something tasty to eat once you’ve finished your work! (My intern Nicole has found this method to work time and time again!) Read more

4 Newsletters That Are Worth Opening

browseI’m a naturally curious person so I’m constantly in search of the “next best thing.” I’m always signing up for unique newsletters, podcasts, programs, apps, etc. Some are great and others… not so much. But wouldn’t it be nice to cut to the chase and just know what will be worth your while? However, it could be difficult to create your own newsletter if you have a business, luckily there are places similar to MyCreativeShop that might be able to help you with templates that could give you a start for your newsletter.
Here are the top 4 newsletters that I absolutely always open and check out, no matter what the subject line: Read more