Tag Archive for: how to be more productive

Successful To-Do List Junkie Shares Secrets

Finally — someone who might be more obsessed with to-do lists than me. Sasha Cagen wrote a book all about lists called “To-Do List: From Buying Milk to Finding a Soul Mate, What Our Lists Reveal About Us” and she actually analyzed lists sent in by ordinary people. I thought she’d be the perfect featured list producer this month so I asked her a few questions:

Q: Why do you call yourself a compulsive list producer? Read more

Where’d I Put That Metrocard?

I’m sure this has happened to you at least once — you are running for the subway and realize you can’t find your metrocard.  It’s happened to all of us.  Or you realize that you don’t have enough money left on the card for a ride and the train goes whizzing by you.  Yep — it’s unfortunate and avoidable.

Metrocard Overload

This very thing happened when I was with my friend Danielle recently — she was searching and searching for a card with $2.25 for a one-way trip on the NYC subway.  She found 7 cards total — none of them had enough on them.  We missed our train. I always keep my metrocard in the exact same place so I don’t lose it.  But not Danielle…sigh. Read more

The “Hit Time” Method for Getting More Done

In TV news we use the term “hit time” a lot.  It means the time that your story will be “hitting the air.”  We will say “what time is your hit?” or “this hits in 10 minutes,” or “are you going to make your hit?” Using strict deadlines in the news business works — the newscast will carry on with or without you.  So you better be prepared and make your hit time.  I’ve carried over the idea of hit times into my daily life.

Using the “Hit Time” Method

When I get dressed in the morning I have several “hit times” where I know if I’m not doing a certain thing at that time — I will be late.  For instance — if I’m not out of the shower by 7:15am — I won’t be able to do my hair, makeup, eat breakfast, read the newspaper and check my email.  I like doing all those things (and yoga) before I leave in the morning.  I know by this “hit time” what I have time to do and what I can’t do so I can still make it to work at a reasonable time.  Read more

Join My Live List-Making Webinar

Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot : FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be participating in a webinar on Wednesday, February, 8th at 8pm ET.  It’s being hosted by the fabulous people over at FriendsHealthConnection.org, which is a community website for people dealing with health issues.  It’s for people struggling with an ailment, people who love them and just about anyone else who is interested in health.  They have hosted other guests such as Dr. Maya Angelou and the Dalai Lama.

The webinar will focus on list making and how it can make you successful in all areas of your life: work, home, body, mind and soul!  It will be live and I’ll use my webcam to communicate with everyone.  There will be a moderator and we will take as many questions as possible in the hour.  After the success of my teleseminar a few weeks ago — I’m really looking forward to this new format.  I do hope that you’ll join me!  Please sign up today.

Get a Copy of my List-Making Teleseminar

Who would have thought so many people could talk about lists for over an hour? Well, you can! And we did! I was lucky enough to participate in a teleseminar called “Compulsive List Making: The How’s and The Why’s” with Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D. We talked about:

  • effective techniques for making lists to get more done
  • what kind of lists have worked best for me
  • how lists help people in all professions be more productive and efficient
  • my favorite list-making apps
  • questions from listeners
  • and so much more!

In case you missed it, click here to sign up for a copy of the recording and listen to it whenever you get a chance.  I’ve also created a special tab called “teleseminar” at the top of my site.  Here you’ll find every blog post, app, website and technique I mentioned on the call.  I hope this information is useful and I’d love to hear what you think of it!  Happy list making!