Tag Archive for: apps

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with an App

carrot_1There are lots of great apps out there that help you check off your to-do list, log your food intake and make note of how much you exercise. These apps can be great if used properly, but sometimes we get a little complacent. we use them for a while and then get bored and move onto the next big thing.  Well now the apps are fighting back!

Here’s a list of apps that are designed to give you that extra push and really force you to achieve your goals: Read more

Overwhelmed by Your Email? I Can Help!

emailAccording to this study, on average we send and receive 120 emails at work every day. It’s easy to see how some of us can spend an entire day just replying to emails. So if your feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t worry, there are several ways to fight back against the email onslaught.

Here are some tips for tackling your email inbox:

Download Boomerang – This Gmail app can help you get your inbox back down to zero. There are several useful features like being able to schedule emails to send at a later date. I love this feature for when I’m up late getting things done but don’t want my email to get lost overnight.  I just schedule it to go out in the morning and off it goes.  This is also a great feature when you want to write emails right away about a subject but don’t want to send them right away.  Let’s say you want to remind someone about a meeting or a conference.  You can write up the email and schedule it to send the day before the event.  That way you get it off your plate and still get the goal accomplished.

You can also set an incoming email to be returned to the top of your inbox at a more relevant time. So if you get an email you don’t need to deal with until tomorrow, Gmail won’t display it in your inbox, until the next day when it’ll appear right on top for you to tackle.  The service is free for up to 10 scheduled emails but after that there are paid packages.

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A List of iOS 8 Updates You May Not Know About

ios8logoI recently updated my phone to an iPhone 6. It’s much faster then my old phone (the 4s) and I like the new features Apple has added to iOS 8. While some of the updates like the health app are more widely known, there are also a few little features that Apple has added to make your life that little bit easier.

Here are some iPhone shortcuts you should try:

1. Scan your credit card – If your ordering something online and it asks you for your credit card number you no longer have to type the whole thing in. Just take a picture of your credit card and your number will be uploaded. Read more

3 Items for Your To-Don’t List

Stop_sign_at_sunsetSome mornings when I wake up – I start running through all the things I need to do that day in my head. Even though I already have my to-do list written from the night before. Does this happen to you? But I’ll tell you what I don’t do – I don’t think of things that I need to STOP doing. And I would bet you don’t either. But maybe we should…

The New Year is coming up and you might already be thinking about your resolutions, which I think are a waste of time if they aren’t super targeted. Maybe you want to stop obsessively checking your emails, or drinking less soda. Why not start with some simple things so you’ll be in good shape when the New Year rolls around? Read more

Apps That Get Me Through My Day

iphomeThere are so many productivity apps on the iPhone, trying to find the good ones can sometimes be a challenge. I like to try as many apps as possible and I often post about them here. If you follow this blog you might’ve wondered what apps I actually keep on my phone – well now you can find out.

Here are some of my favorites:

Post It Notes – Post It Notes are one of the oldest and greatest productivity tool. They’re just so handy! Use this app to keep track of your notes.

Umano – Want to catch up on your favorite articles, but don’t have time to sit down and read them? Umano reads articles to you, so you can listen to them wherever. They even have some of my articles and I narrate them too!

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