Tag Archive for: how to be more organized

Can you do me a favor?

Listful Thinking CoverI really can’t stop smiling because we are literally weeks away from a big dream of mine coming true.  Publishing a book has been a note on my bucket list since I was a little girl. So it’s hard to believe that it’s actually happening and my book, “Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Highly Successful and Less Stressed” is going to be coming out in January.  But it hasn’t been an easy road.
It’s difficult to write a book and there are so many to-do’s to check off on the journey to publishing.
You need:
  • Great ideas
  • Time to write
  • Creativity
  • Time to rewrite
  • More time to rewrite
  • A great publisher
  • A wonderful agent
  • Patience
That last bit has been the hardest for me.  This is a culture of instant gratification and I admit I thrive on it.  I’m in the news business after all — the ultimate quick fix. So it’s been a little difficult at times to just sit back and let things happen with this book.  But I’m working on it!
But here’s the good news –you don’t have to wait until January because you can pre-order the book right now!  See — instant gratification!  Pre-orders are a big deal in the publishing world and so I’d appreciate it if you did it.  Better yet — buy a few copies if you want to get your holiday shopping out of the way!
Use “Listful Thinking” to learn how to:
  • Save time
  • Be more organized
  • Be more productive
  • Save money
  • Reduce stress
I even designed a brand new website just for info about the book at ListfulThinkingBook.com.  Thanks for checking it out!

Post-It Notes Go Digital

post-it-plus-app-ipadWe may have smartphones, Kindles and tablets, but the simple Post-It note remains one of the greatest productivity tools and a must have for list makers everywhere. I use Post-It notes all the time, and there are days when my desk is basically covered in them. So you can imagine how excited I am that there is an app for your sticky notes called Post-It Plus!    Read more

What’s a ‘Listicle’ Anyway?

ListiclesThe word listicle, a combination of the words list and article, has officially made it onto OxfordDictionaries.com. It is defined as ‘An article on the Internet presented in the form of a numbered or bullet-pointed list.’ While it may have only recently come into common use, I’ve been writing listicles on this blog for years now. So to celebrate the new dictionary entry I’m making a listicle of my favorite listicles from ListProducer.com!

1. 10 Gluten Free Grains For Everyone – I spoke with Leslie Cerier from ‘The Organic Gourmet’  and she gave me list of grains everyone should try. This is one of my most popular lists, especially as more and more people are going gluten free. Read more

Go on a ‘Fake-ation’ and Get More Done

vacationThe week before you go on vacation is filled with excitement, tension and anxiety as you rush to get all your work done before you go. For some, that last-minute panic is the only thing that can inspire them to get completely caught up on your work. So why not use the “vacation feeling” to get more done? If you want to catch up on your back log at work just act like you’re going on vacation so you can stay laser focused.

Here are some ideas to get you going:

Clean up & Close up – Make a list of everything you need to get done. Think about all the odd jobs you haven’t gotten around to finishing. If you know there’s something you’ve been putting it off, best to get it over and done with and then you really can relax over the weekend. Read more

Grandma Knows Best (Productivity Tips That Stand The Test of Time)

grandma-3Coastal grandma style is trending this summer. But there’s more that grandmas can teach you besides how to dress. Whether your grandma was an expert coupon-er or kept all her coupons in a repurposed can, you can learn a lot from their ability to save money (and time).

Here are few ways being more like your grandma could help you save time and money:

Check Email in Batches: My husband’s grandmother only checks her email a few times a week. She doesn’t do it in between other activities, but sees it as a daily task, much like reading the mail. Grandparents I know also tend to respond to each email right away rather than saving it for later. The younger generation tends check emails constantly, often as a way of procrastination. Checking your email once a day like your grandma allows you to be more focused on your other tasks. Read more