Tag Archive for: Technology

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with an App

carrot_1There are lots of great apps out there that help you check off your to-do list, log your food intake and make note of how much you exercise. These apps can be great if used properly, but sometimes we get a little complacent. we use them for a while and then get bored and move onto the next big thing.  Well now the apps are fighting back!

Here’s a list of apps that are designed to give you that extra push and really force you to achieve your goals: Read more

Overwhelmed by Your Email? I Can Help!

emailAccording to this study, on average we send and receive 120 emails at work every day. It’s easy to see how some of us can spend an entire day just replying to emails. So if your feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t worry, there are several ways to fight back against the email onslaught.

Here are some tips for tackling your email inbox:

Download Boomerang – This Gmail app can help you get your inbox back down to zero. There are several useful features like being able to schedule emails to send at a later date. I love this feature for when I’m up late getting things done but don’t want my email to get lost overnight.  I just schedule it to go out in the morning and off it goes.  This is also a great feature when you want to write emails right away about a subject but don’t want to send them right away.  Let’s say you want to remind someone about a meeting or a conference.  You can write up the email and schedule it to send the day before the event.  That way you get it off your plate and still get the goal accomplished.

You can also set an incoming email to be returned to the top of your inbox at a more relevant time. So if you get an email you don’t need to deal with until tomorrow, Gmail won’t display it in your inbox, until the next day when it’ll appear right on top for you to tackle.  The service is free for up to 10 scheduled emails but after that there are paid packages.

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How to Keep Track of Your Addresses

address bookAs much as I love new technology, especially technology that helps increase your productivity – there are a few ways in which I’m still behind the times. For starters, I still have one of those old school style address books. I write addresses in pencil so I can easily update when someone moves.  It works – until I need an address when I’m not at home! This week I’ve been trying to drag myself into the 21st century by looking at online address books.

While looking at all the various sites, I started to realize that at some point I was going to have to sit down and manually enter all my contacts! It’s not a job I’m particularly looking forward to, but that’s one of the necessary evils of modern technology. There are options to auto sync your contacts but I don’t want to import everyone’s email addresses, phone numbers, etc.  I just want their physical addresses in one spot! Read more

I Want to Give You My Productivity Course for Free!

paulaI’m excited to announce that in December I’ll be offering a productivity course called “Listful Thinking” on PopExpert.com. Pop Expert creates online video workshops to help you live a more fulfilling and connected life.

I had such a blast shooting this course in September with the Pop Expert team.  We filmed in a fabulous loft in Brooklyn and spent a whole day talking lists and productivity.  It didn’t feel like work at all! Read more

I’m Way Behind on My Holiday Shopping!

Christmas gifts.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As many of you who follow this blog know — I always start my holiday shopping in August. And I remind everyone to do the same because it just makes us less stressed once the actual holidays come around.

However, I have a confession to make – I have not bought one single gift yet! Not one!

We’re closing in on the week before Thanksgiving and I’m sort of in a panic. I think that the reason this is happening is because I’m a little bit preoccupied with the excitement of my book Listful Thinking coming out in January and I’m putting together my VIP Launch Team (which I’m still accepting applications for until November 24) and I just have let my usual plan for getting stuff done slip through the cracks. Read more